Our company was founded in the Asheville area because the owner has been here his whole life. Phil Wilson grew up in Fletcher in between Asheville and Hendersonville.
Since the doors opened in 1981, Asheville has changed greatly. It’s no longer a little place to stop in on your way to Raleigh or Charlotte, it has an attraction of its own. In the seventies and eighties and until now we saw Asheville go from a small southern town full of locals to more of a cultural center with many new people moving in.
The blessing for the locals has been the opportunities this has brought with it. Phil probably never expected his company to grow like it did by just servicing his customers who were also growing but the need was there. WNC is a beautiful place to live and anyone who calls it home should feel blessed. Although the continued development is concerning, there are still many areas to visit and get back to nature all around Asheville.
At the end of the day, we are thankful to have a great business in a great place to live. If you have never been to the area or seen the Blue Ridge Mountains I encourage you to come to visit. The trip will certainly leave a lasting impact.